Sharing is caring!

Hello Everyone! Today I don’t have a project to show you, but I do have some important information to share with you. You may have noticed, that when Stampin’ Up has a sale, their percentages off, are not incredibly high, and besides grabbing clearance items, they usually aren’t a bargain shopper’s delight. I can tell you honestly though that there is a way you can save a whole lot on Stampin’ Up! products. That way is to join and become a demonstrator! OK ok I know what you are thinking, but Jillian, I have no interest in selling craft products to my friends and family. That’s ok, bear with me, and we will talk about who might want to take advantage of this deal, and who may want to just keep being a customer.

The first type of person who may enjoy joining Stampin’ Up! is the lover of paper crafting. This is the main reason why I joined Stampin’ Up! I have always loved crafting, from the time I was very young. I used to bead with my best friend when I was 10 years old and we would dream about opening up our own beaded jewelry store and selling our hand made creations. While I loved the companionship and enjoyed learning how to make awesome beading necklaces and bracelets. My friend was much better in the “making sure they don’t fall apart” arena. I then dabbled in scrapbooking and really enjoyed that, but had a hard time finding the time to sit and create a whole scrapbook. Since I had all my supplies though, I started to make cards for friends and family as birthdays and wedding came up. I ended up with quite the stash of clearance products and realized after a while none of them would last past 1 or two projects. As a stay at home mom, you are provided with many many many direct sales opportunities, and I always said this is not for me,until a friend gave me some good advice. She said, find a company that if all you do is pay for what you want to buy, you will be happy. So my dreams of selling my hand crafted items was re-energized and I searched for a company with good compensation and discounts, good products, and a good angel policy (the one that tells you what is allowed when going to sell your items.) That’s how I came to be a demonstrator! If any of this relates to you, you may want to grab that starter kit!

The next type of person who might want to grab that kit, is someone who really loves sharing their creations with others, gaining tips and tricks, and being involved in a group of like-minded people. While this isn’t the reason I joined Stampin’ Up! its actually one of the things that I most enjoy and it was a total surprise to me! I had no idea how many wonderful people I would meet and how many things I would learn from them. I sorta thought I would be in it all by myself. I had heard things about ”up-lines” and scary MLM things so I had very low expectations. The teams I am apart of are amazing. The vast majority of the people on them only want to make their pretty crafts and get a discount on supplies. Some sell those crafts, and some of them choose to focus on selling SU, or do a combination. There is a friend for all types of demonstrators in the SU community. While the community is awesome, its also rarely in person, so you don’t have to have lots of time to travel, or love awkward small talk to enjoy it! The only things you really need to know how to do are Zoom, and Social Media (and I can teach you that if you don’t know)

The last type of person I am going to talk about is the person who loooves saving money. The starter kit truly is the best value that someone can acquire, and right now, it includes even more $$! A Demonstrator’s normal discount/compensation is 20%, our starter kit is normally $125 for $99 (closer to 25%). This in itself is a great deal, but the other HUGE savings is that anything you order in your kit is shipped for FREE. But wait there’s more! ( 😆 I had to) right now, you get $155 for $99 so there’s even more savings! If you are interested in it for mostly personal crafting purposes, you will also be happy to know you get a free paper pumpkin kit too! If you plan to sell some products to offset your costs, Stampin’ Up! also sends a bunch of business supplies included with your kit as well. If you are the kind of person who likes to grab the store credit cards for the discount, this is what its like. (But, I don’t know any store that gives 20% off everytime you buy) One more thing to note, there is no penalty if you decide you don’t want to be a demonstrator anymore. You simply stop buying and after awhile you will be inactive. The only caveat is if you have received promotional bonuses, you will not be able to get them a second time if you rejoin.

Now that we have talked about who would likely enjoy joining, lets talk about who wouldn’t. If you don’t like to paper craft, or you’ve checked out the website and don’t like the products, you shouldn’t join. If you want to join to make a whole lotta money with very little effort, this is not your gig. While you can make some money doing this, you get out what you put in, and like any job or sales gig, it takes work.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a demonstrator, but have some questions about the details I would love to talk to you about it. I would be happy to help put together your kit with you too, if you want help with that. You can e-mail me at or message me on any of my social media channels.

If you are ready and want in, click here to head over to my Stampin’ Up website to get started.